Library Facilities

If you have any queries are need assistance using the facilities, just ask for assistance from any of the library staff, or email

Griffith Library: Cork, Dublin and Limerick

Griffith College Library services are available to all learners and staff across all College campuses. As a member of Griffith Library, you have access to our full range of supports. There are local, physical library resources at locations in Cork, Dublin and Limerick, where library staff are available to answer queries and offer support. If you wish to access a service or resource held or offered in one location, this can be arranged.

WiFi Access

eduroam allows Griffith College students and staff to obtain secure Internet connectivity across all three campuses. Once set up on your laptop it will also allow automatic wireless access when visiting other participating institutions.

Griffith College students can access eduroam within the library, the log-in details are the same as for Moodle. Full instructions may be found on the IT Services pages.

The library also has coverage for the guest WiFi, just ask for the current password at the library issue desk.

Printing, Copying and Scanning

A document may be sent for printing from the library PCs or from a mobile device through the PaperCut system. You can scan directly from the library printers to a USB key.  Scanning is free of charge. There a colour in addition to black & white printer/copiers in the Dublin campus library.

Full instructions can be found  on the IT Services pages.

IT support contacts:

Dublin IT helpdesk is located in the Wellington building, where there is also a dedicated computer lab with full printing facilities, there is a colour printer here also.



print collection of over 20,000 books is located across all campus libraries, and is comprised of a Reference Collection and a Main Lending Collection. You can search for these on our online catalogue.

We are adding to our eBook collection all the time, and where possible will provide an electronic version of primary texts. When you locate an eBook on our library catalogue just click on the link provided. If you are asked for a password enter in your Single Sign On credentials, the same as you use for all other Griffith Online services.

We are committed to having all books on your reading lists available to you, either through our printed book collections, or as eBooks. If you cannot locate a copy of a book as recommended to you on your reading list, or by a lecturer, please contact us as soon as possible to allow us to rectify the as soon as possible.


Print Journals and Trade Magazines

The bulk of the Library’s journal collection is online and available to access through our Academic Databases section.

However, the Library has a small collection of print journals held in the Dublin campus, who can be contacted for further details.


We have a large number of films and documentaries available to borrow. While these are largely included in our collection to support students of Media and Design, they are available for all library members to borrow. Search for these through the library catalogue. Many of these DVDs are not available on streaming services, it is well work exploring the collection either through the catalogue or browse when you in the library.


There are designated computer labs located around each campus which are available for students to use. Printing facilities are available for students in the library areas in Cork and Dublin. All the PCs are connected to the printers.

To log on to a computer type in your student email as your username and your date of birth as your password, written in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

If you have any difficulties in logging in to the PCs, contact IT helpdesk for assistance.

IT support contacts:


Remote Learning Support

Blended and Remote Learners

We are very much here for our distance learners. We provide our services in an online format to allow you to feel fully supported while working remotely.

Visit our Online Library Services section for an overview of many of the services we offer online, and please do contact us if you wish to discuss any of these services or resources with us.

Library classes and workshops

We offer a range of classes to support you in your academic research and writing. We can organise workshops in-class, for smaller groups and are also happy to give one to one support.

Visit the Supporting Learning and Library Guides and Classes sections for more information.

The  Learning Lab in the library on the Dublin campus is used for developing research skills and for general library inductions.

Small group labs/workshops may be booked by students and staff at the library desk.  These may cover specific topics of interest such as using relevant online databases, linking in to referencing software such as Zotero, and making the most of the colleges digital resources.

Keep an eye out for short, scheduled classes on offer throughout the semester also.

We can also arrange to come into classes for in-class workshops.


Dissertations - Institutional Repository

At Griffith College we are proud of our graduates work. It is College policy to upload approved electronic copies of student theses to Griffith College’s institutional repository, Griffith Open.

Griffith Open is committed to the principles of the growing Open Access movement. Open access to research enhances the visibility and the impact of the work, the author and the College. All material made available here is freely available on the internet.

Leinster School of Music & Drama Resources

Drama –  Texts and Theory:

In addition to texts and scripts used in the Leinster School of Music and Drama syllabus, we have a large number of texts both for adult and children’s drama.  We also have a number of texts on Drama in Education and drama theory, as well as texts on stage direction and production.

Music Manuscripts, theory, and performance texts:

We currently have a holding of over 350 music manuscripts, and are adding to this number all the time. There are also a number of texts on theory and performance.

What if we don’t have the item you want in stock?

We have tried to get all curriculum items and in most cases succeeded. There may be some more obscure items and you may also want items not on the curricula. Our experience is that we can source nearly item every requested by our teachers; manuscripts, poems, plays and sundries, whether these are in print or out, Irish or international.

If you are finding it difficult to source a particular item please feel free to contact the library and we will be happy to see if we can get it through our contacts.


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