• Welcome to Griffith College Library
    A big welcome all our learners and staff to our physical libraries and our online supports for remote…
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  • Griffith Library YouTube Channel
    A well-placed tutorial seen at the right time can be very helpful. We create guides and tutorials regularly,…
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Library Catalogue

Search for Books/eBooks/DVDs/Sheet Music & Access your Griffith Library Account

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Your voice matters, we encourage and welcome feedback and suggestions on our Library services.
Library Feedback
  • Welcome to Griffith College Library
    A big welcome all our learners and staff to our physical libraries and our online supports for remote…
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  • Griffith Library YouTube Channel
    A well-placed tutorial seen at the right time can be very helpful. We create guides and tutorials regularly,…
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Library Catalogue
Search + Find: Books/DVDs/Sheet Music

Access My Library account
Access our complete academic database collection across all subject areas: Law, Business, Design, Computing, Music, Pharmaceutical, Teaching and Education, Engineering and more…
Access the full database collection
Find Books and Academic Journals
The library catalogue and academic databases are where you should begin your research journey. If you need any advice on the best academic databases for your assignment or research topic please contact us.
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Library Services - Supporting your learning
We are here for all our learners. Visit us in person in the campus libraries, or make use of our range of services to support off-campus study. We strongly encourage you to avail of this supports to help you gain the most out of your studies here in Griffith.
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Focus First on Research Skills
By focusing on developing your research skills, your academic writing will improve, and you will have less concerns about accidental plagiarism.
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