Get on the right track

We understand that dissertations are a very large body of work to undertake, and we are here to help you at key points along the way.

The library staff are always happy to offer support and answer any queries you may have and offer solutions in the way that suits your own circumstances best.

Academic sources

Where can I find the information I need?


Often a research question will involve a topic that we may not have a large range of textbooks on within our current holdings. We encourage learners to contact us with a list of textbooks they wish to gain access to, we can arrange access through our various partner institutions.

Academic articles and Case Studies

Researching academic material online is a very specific skill, and with each new topic you may need advice on the most suitable resources to support your topic. Again, if you are having difficulty accessing a specific resource, for example it being behind a paywall, we can arrange acquiring that for you. In addition, through our experience supporting many students working on their dissertations, we can often offer useful guidance on how you might reconsider an approach to sourcing the best resources for your literature review.

Guides and Tutorials

We have recommendations for useful resources and guides that you can view in the Academic Writing section. We also have a number of guides that you can access on our Library Moodle pages, and we are adding to these all the time.


Griffith College dissertations online

At Griffith College we are proud of our graduates work, and we provide full text access to previous dissertations online. It is College policy to upload approved electronic copies of student theses to Griffith College’s institutional repository, Griffith Open.
Students theses will automatically be considered for inclusion on the institutional repository pending faculty approval.
Having eTheses freely available on Griffith Open greatly increases the visibility of our students while contributing to academic scholarship internationally.


Keep in touch

An important thing to remember when working on your dissertation is to simply engage with the Library. Aim to check-in with us at as early a point as possible, to get the best advice at all the key points along your research and academic writing journey.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +353 1 4150490 (Dublin Campus)

Zoom: Contact us to arrange to have a Zoom meeting to discuss any questions you may have at a time that suits you.

Twitter: Keep up to date with news on how the Library can support you while working off campus. Follow or search for us on Twitter.

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