Find answers to the questions we are most commonly asked by our learners. If you are looking for any information that is not answered here please contact us for assistance.

Where can I find the Campus Libraries - Dublin, Cork, Limerick?

There is a library presence in our Cork, Dublin and Limerick campuses.
Details are available on the Campus Library Locations page.

How do I contact the Library?

The contact details for each campus library are on the Library Locations page.

You can find individual staff contact details on the Library Staff page.

How do I find a book in the Library?

Use the library catalogue to search for relevant material for your research and assignments. Through the catalogue, you will be able to locate all books held in Griffith libraries as well as links to eBooks subscribed to.

The library catalogue is fully responsive and will work equally well when accessed through a laptop, smartphone or tablet.

Students are encouraged to be proactive in sourcing their own material. However, the issue desk staff are always available there to help and offer support.

How do I access eBooks?

You can access our eBooks through the library catalogue. If there is an electronic version of a book available a link to the online copy will be made available on the catalogue record.  You can limit your search on the library catalogue to view results for eBooks only by selecting the “Electronic Resources” option.

It is also possible to search for eBooks on our provider websites.  For more details visit the eBooks section on the Library website.

How do I access the online databases?

All access to online resources including online journals and databases is available through the Databases & Online Resources section on the main library website. To access these off-campus, you will be prompted to log in using your Single Sign-on details, the same you use to log in to Moodle and to log on to the computers.

Whether you are a new or returning student, we recommend that you make full use of the academic databases we subscribe to. You will be able to do your coursework more quickly, more thoroughly, and with more up to date and relevant information.

For support in getting the best results in using the online databases you can ask a member of the library staff for advice or email us to arrange an in person lab.

How do I borrow and return Library items?

To borrow from the library you should have your student card with you.

If you have any queries with regard to student cards, email Student Cards administration.

You can return books at the library issue desks, out of hours they may be dropped into the returns box in the Dublin Campus, or at the reception desks in the Cork and Limerick campuses.

How many items can I borrow from the Library?

Undergraduate students may borrow up to a maximum of 6 items.

Masters students may borrow up to a maximum of 8 items.

Staff may borrow up to to a maximum of 10 items.

How long can I borrow an item for?

Borrower rights vary depending on your course.

Full Time (Undergraduate)

Long Term Items – 2 Weeks

Short Term Items – 2 Days

(Items borrowed on a Thursday or Friday can be kept until the following Monday)

DVDs/Videos – 1 Week


Long Term Items – 2 Weeks

Short Term Items – 1 Week

DVDs/Videos – 1 Week


Long Term Items – 4 weeks

Short Term Items – 1 Week

DVDs/Videos – 1 Week

Can I renew the items on my Library account?

Yes, you can access your own library account. Log in using your student number as your username, your default password is set as your date of birth. From here you can see what loans you have out, check due dates and reserve and renew items.

As a courtesy, the system is set to automatically renew a loan three times. This is only the case where no one else has reserved it.  If they have, the last due date stands. It is the responsibility of the borrower to be aware of the due date and to undertake to return a loan on the last agreed date.

If you have any doubt or have difficulty in logging in to your library account, please do contact the library.

Are there fines for overdue books?

If your books are overdue you will be sent a reminder email.

While books are potentially renewed up to three times as a courtesy, it is your responsibility to be sure your loans are mot overdue, and to be aware of your return dates. for example, if another person places a reserve on a book that you have on loan there will be not automatic renewal.

If you are unsure of your due dates you can log into your library account to view your current loans.

If you have any difficulties in renewing, or if you have exceptional circumstances that prevent you returning an item on time please contact the library directly to discuss any issue.

Can I get any help with referencing and academic writing?

One of the Library’s primary roles is to support you with your academic research and writing.

Visit at the Academic Writing  section of the Library website and you will find a range of information on referencing styles and advice on improving your academic writing. There are also guides on how you can best use a range of software to assist you in your studies and assignments. In particular we recommend Zotero as a tool to help you keep track of your research and to help you with your academic referencing. We also provide training and support online, at the library issue desk and in-class workshops on request.

Please do remember that the library staff are always happy to assist you with any queries you may have. If you wish to make an appointment for one to one guidance or to arrange a group workshop please do contact us.

What computer facilities are available in the library?

Please note: Computers will not be available to use in the library while Covid-19 guidelines are in operation.

There are computers in the Dublin and Cork libraries. All computers are connected to the printers.

Single Sign-On details: When prompted for your username use your Griffith e-mail address as your username. Your default password is automatically set to your date of birth, written in the format dd/mm/yyyy. If you have difficulty logging onto the computers email the IT Helpdesk for assistance.

Note that there is also a dedicated computer/print lab on each Campus.

If you are on the Dublin campus and are having any difficulties with your login, printing or scanning, you can ask at the IT services helpdesk located opposite the computer lab in the Wellington building.

Can I use my laptop in the library?

Yes, there are power points to plug in your laptop on the desks. You can access the internet through your college Eduroam account.

Full instructions can be found on the IT Services pages.

You may also access the printers from your laptop or mobile device by using your Papercut account.

Is there a scanner in the library?

You can scan directly from the library printers to a USB key.  Scanning is free of charge. Full instructions can be found on the IT Services pages.

On the Dublin campus, the IT helpdesk is located in the Wellington building, where there is a dedicated computer lab with full printing and scanning facilities.

There is a Bookscanner in the Dublin campus library which will scan books and other printed material quickly.
The scanner also integrates an OCR engine which converts scanned documents into searchable PDF and editable text format.
Scanning must be within fair use terms as understood under the Copyright Act.
For assistance please enquire at the library issue desk.

Scan on Request – Learner Supports
The scan on request service is primarily intended for reference materials ​for those students who are registered with Learner Supports or not in a position to physically visit the library.

It is subject to copyright legislation and as such there are restrictions on the volume that can be scanned.

This service is operated from the Dublin Campus only, email [email protected] for further information.

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